Looking to make your home greener? The most comprehensive and complete guide to house plants you'll ever need, take this conveniently compact guide with you the next time you feel inspired to bring new plants home to help you decide! With plant descriptions and complete growing and care information per page for 240 popular species, Pocket Guide to Houseplants will show you everything you need to know to incorporate plants in your interior design. Containing over 500 color photographs and illustrations, find inspiration for your home and the perfect plants for any and every space. Author and garden expert Jack Kramer has written over 100 gardening books and makes it enjoyable for you to flip through these beautiful pages to see for yourself all the easy-care possibilities that lie ahead!
|· Comprehensive pocket guide to picking plants
· Great for travel and on-the-go use at the store
· Growing and care information for over 250 popular species
· Contains of 500 color photographs and illustrations
· Author and garden expert Jack Kramer has written over 100 gardening books