Cleansing your body and clearing your mind has a multitude of health benefits. In this book, you’ll learn why detoxing is important, how to properly detox, what to eat (and what not to), and how to treat yourself to quiet, regenerative time to fully recover from life’s stresses. You can take a weekend or go longer if you like—it’s all up to you. And you get to choose from delicious healthy power drinks and gluten-, dairy-, sugar- or meat-free recipes to help you get rid of all the nasties that build up in your system over time. Start today!
renew & restore • your body & spirit
cleanse, energize, detox
detox your kitchen
detox hero foods • If it’s bright, fresh, organic and a fruit or vegetable, it’s a great detox food.
how to prep meals • While intention is everything and many of us aspire to eating healthly, roadblocks such as time, work, and energy frequently conspire to make us crumble at the first hurdle and then order takeout. Meal prepping can set you on a path to better eating habits, especially if you are often challenged for time. It’s easier to make homemade meals if you know what you are going to eat, have started the prep for it, or have made it ahead of time.
reduce your toxic overload
hydration 101 • Your body is made up of around 60–70% water. That’s a huge percentage of your body’s make-up! So it makes sense when people say water is crucial for survival. We’ve always been told to drink plenty of water, but many of us still struggle to reach our daily targets. However, there’s no denying the importance of hydration. Aside from quenching our thirst, water is essential for our bodies to function. A lack of water can impact us in a variety of ways.
teas & waters
tech detox • While social platforms were designed to provide connectedness, they can actually have the opposite effect, shortening attention spans and leaving us feeing stressed and disconnected. In the days leading up to your detox, think about decreasing your dependence on your relationship with tech.
how to sleep better • Switching off your phone, creating a dark, cool space, and having adequate time to unwind before bed are important for a good night’s sleep. But did you know your gut microbiome plays a role in how many zzz’s you get as well? Keeping your gut bacteria healthy and thriving will support the production and function of your sleep-related hormones, and potentially even influence your sleep quality and your circadian rhythm.
get the balance right
light meals • The smaller, lighter meals in this chapter help you stave off hunger while providing you with the nutrients, fiber and vitamins to assist your detox. With plenty of breakfast and lunch ideas, you can start your day the right way.
food to go • Life doesn’t stop just because you started a detox. So we’ve collected recipes that are perfect for on-the-go: Meal ideas for lunch in the office and afternoon snacks will allow you to maintain your detox while doing all the things you have to do.
soups & stews • This chapter is filled with recipe ideas for warming soups and stews, all packed with great flavor and other goodness to keep you going during even the coldest months. These are meal ideas that are hearty, helping you to achieve your detox aims.
dinner • These are wholesome, satisfying meals made with the best ingredients to nourish your body and mind. Most are plant-focused, but there are also recipes made with lean proteins, such as fish and chicken, designed to keep you fuller longer.
Detox Diet
food is medicine! • Sometimes the world feels full of unavoidable toxins that negatively impact our health and wellness. By detoxing—only allowing the healthiest foods to enter your body, giving yourself the time to emotionally unwind and treating yourself with the...