Auto & Design is a highly professional magazine and can be found all over the world in the design centres of car manufacturers, in the offices of independent designers, in the design centres of components companies and electronic and special materials manufacturers, in University libraries and in the libraries of specialised schools. Its contents mainly cover project analyses from drawing board to final product, illustrated with research drawings and style models. Specific sections are dedicated to industrial and product design, new materials and innovative technologies as applied to the automotive world and to a variety of design sectors.
PREVIEW NEXT ISSUE 186 • January/February 2011
THE OBSESSION FOR INNOVATION • Hybrid and electric emotion
UP DESIGN IS BORN • In pursuit of multifaceted creativity
SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY • The story behind IAAD and ISIA Florence
ODOARDO FIORAVANTI • The complex role of the designer
Balance, simplicity and sophistication/Equilibrio, semplicità e sofisticazione
Peugeot HR1, city dynamism/Dinamismo cittadino
BMW, concept of sculptural tension/Concetto di tensione sculturale
Ferrari SA, operation “open skies”/Operazione “cielo aperto”
A7, Italian imprint German determination/Impronta italiana determinazione tedesca
Mazda Shinari, the soul of motion/L’anima del movimento
Evoque, when the look is dramatic/Quando il look è “drammatico”
Citroën LaCoste, the charm of the Mehari/Le suggestioni della Mehari
THE NEW DIRECTION OF CAR DESIGN/Le nuove vie del car design
AN UNEXPECTED ALL-FRENCH VICTORY/A sorpresa, “en plein” francese
CIVILISED GIANTS/Giganti ingentiliti
FUTURE URBAN SCENARIOS/Eco energies and eco lifestyle
THE LANGUAGE OF INNOVATION/Il lessico dell’innovazione
CITROËN, TWO FACES OF MOBILITY • Emotive C4 and high-tech C0
SUBARU IMPREZA • The saloon evolution
FOURTH GEN SUZUKI SWIFT • Dedicated to women and to young people
KIA NEW SPORTAGE • Sleek and sporty in the image of the Kue