Auto & Design is a highly professional magazine and can be found all over the world in the design centres of car manufacturers, in the offices of independent designers, in the design centres of components companies and electronic and special materials manufacturers, in University libraries and in the libraries of specialised schools. Its contents mainly cover project analyses from drawing board to final product, illustrated with research drawings and style models. Specific sections are dedicated to industrial and product design, new materials and innovative technologies as applied to the automotive world and to a variety of design sectors.
And yet something’s moving/Eppur qualcosa si muove
European optimism, ideas and debuts
3D MODELLING • Master at Turin Politechnic
Reinventing premium canons/Reinventando i canoni del premium
The power of lightness/La forza della leggerezza
Peugeot EX1, the feel of electrical energy/Le sensazioni dell’auto elettrica
The interactive car/L’automobile interattiva
Infiniti, Japanese semantic image/Immagine semantica giapponese
Chinese roots in Citroën/Radici cinesi in Citroën
Seventh generation appeal/Il fascino della settima generazione
The magic of Kinetic Design/Le magie del Kinetic Design
TOYOTA VERSO S technological dynamism
SSANGYONG KORANDO A Giugiaro-signed crossover
Urban scenarios in Turin 2100/Scenari urbani nella Torino 2100
Daniel Simon’s parallel universe/L’universo parallelo di Daniel Simon
When Nature inspires design/Se la natura ispira il design
Franz-Josef Paefgen “Styling as custodian of the brand”
Walter de’ Silva: “The future in history”
Ulrich Eichhorn: “Green supercars”
Sport and luxury as a vocation/Sport e lusso per vocazione
Born out of a passion for racing/Nata dalla passione per le corse
The golden age of the coachbuilders/L’epoca d’oro dei carrozzieri
An uneasy relationship/Quella scomoda parentela
Renaissance in the Volkswagen family/Rinascita nella famiglia VW
Racing and the crown, an interlude/Corse e corona, un intermezzo
Links between two ages/Anelli fra due epoche
Luxury and dynamism at the top/Ai vertici tra lusso e dinamismo
A challenge to the supercars/Una sfida lanciata alle supercar
Colour & Trim, exclusive quality/Colour & Trim, qualità esclusiva
An elegant, contemporary GT/Una granturismo elegante e contemporanea
The Bentley feel for objects/L’oggetto nel feeling Bentley
When the designer is an artist/Quando il designer si rivela artista
Young ideas for tomorrow/Idee giovanili per il domani