Practical Reptile Keeping is the only monthly herp care magazine published in English. Launched in 2009, it attracts an international readership and is packed with advice on how to look after and breed snakes, lizards, tortoises, turtles, amphibians and bugs. As well as stunning photography, each issue features technical help, product information and health care advice to keep your animals in tip-top condition, plus breeding details and the latest news relating to this group of creatures from around the world.
Komodo dragons have a bite of iron • Featuring stories that include the discovery of a new way in which geckos can ‘hear’, how a lizard can breathe underwater, the way that young sea turtle hatchlings actually escape from their nest, significant information that has emerged from studies involving rescued wild reptiles, and more, including new insights into how the giant flying reptiles called pterosaurs took off, while starting here with a fresh insight not just into the world’s largest lizard but also possibly extinct dinosaurs as well.
Swimming in the nest
Giant prehistoric reptile took off like a bat!
'Scuba-diving' lizards breathe underwater
Knowledge gained from reptile rescues
Scientists uncover auditory 'sixth sense' in geckos
Living in harmony
Tips for keeping tree frogs • Tree frogs rank as one of the most colourful and interesting groups of amphibians that you can keep. But it is easy to introduce unexpected dangers inadvertently in the design of their quarters or their care. Former zoological curator Bill Lowe explains more.
In the company of crocodiles • The Nile crocodile is not just one of the most feared reptiles in Africa, but it also ranks as one of the most deadly killers in the world. Paul Donovan explains what it is like, living alongside crocodiles.
A problem with a bearded dragon
How the turtle got its shell • Scientists have obtained fresh insights and information about just how tortoises and turtles gained their shells, as well as revealing the lasting impact this has had on their lifestyles, by focusing on their earliest known ancestors. David Alderton reports on these discoveries.
THE MISSING skink? • Few families of lizards are as varied and fascinating as skinks, as Christian Castille reveals in this article. Here he highlights ten different examples, explaining their individual appeal.
How to keep millipedes • Dr Jason Randall MSc discusses his experiences with keeping and breeding millipedes of various types.
Afrocks Facts and fantasy • Out of all the large constricting snakes, none has such a bad reputation as the African rock python or Afrock. But is it really all smoke and mirrors, or is there some truth to the volatile nature of these snakes? asks Christian Castille.
Understanding antivenom • Antivenom is the main treatment for venomous snake bites and is often the only reason that people survive an otherwise deadly bite. Knowledge about antivenom is not just interesting, but is essential for anyone who works with venomous snakes. The production process today is actually very similar to that used when antivenoms first started to be developed, back in the 1890s, explains Timothy Zedi.
Practical Reptile Keeping