Canada's national magazine covering current affairs, politics, culture trends, ideas and personalities.
Canada’s Not For Sale
THE INTERVIEW • Trade wars, climate change, Bitcoin—B.C. Premier David Eby is preparing his province for everything
Reuse Construction Materials • Much is lost when homes are demolished in the name of speed. With careful disassembly, high-quality materials could be used to make something new.
Early Retirement • I’m a university student who moved into a seniors’ home in Calgary. I get affordable housing, and the residents get companionship.
Pipe Dream • Winnipeg’s pumphouse is a heritage building retrofitted for the housing crisis
Canada’s Economy Is Stronger Than It Seems • Fixating on GDP blinds us to our other assets, like good health care and happiness
Why America Will Never Invade Canada • Donald Trump’s nonsensical threats are an attempt to distract from his own country’s self-destruction
Stuck at Home • Thanks to soaring housing costs, a generation of twentysomethings are still in their childhood bedrooms. A portrait of family life with no empty nest.
Innovative Pathways to Improving Access to Treatments for Rare Diseases • Innovative patient support programs and data-driven solutions are improving access to life-saving rare disease therapies in Canada.
2025: Canada Still Only Developed Country with No Rare Disease Plan • To truly help rare disease patients, Canada must turn promises into action and funding.
STRENGTHENING CANADA’S RARE DISEASE STRATEGY: A Call for Action • Changes are needed to Canada’s national rare disease strategy to improve timely access to innovative medicines.
DEATH WISH • A group of Canadians with crushing mental illness are suing the federal government for the right to physician-assisted death. The ethics are muddy, the country is divided and the world is watching Canada’s next move. Inside the crusade for a polarizing cause.
WHO HAS THE RIGHT TO DIE? • The prospect of psychiatric MAID has divided doctors, activists, ethicists and Canadians at large
The Diabolical World of Phone Scams • Criminals impersonating the CRA, Canada Post and other government agencies are often employed by elaborate overseas operations with thousands of workers. How the RCMP busted the biggest fraud ever to target Canadians—and why they can’t keep up anymore.
HARLEM OF THE NORTH • A new exhibit spotlights the birthplace of Montreal’s Black anglophone community
GLASS ACT • A couple trade Toronto condo life for a sun-powered hideaway in farm country
“I repaired war-torn homes in Lebanon. Now I’m building houses in Canada.” • I work on a construction site, overseeing a 19-acre housing development in Brampton, Ontario.